Monday, 7 July 2014

5 Coin Flip Websites To Do A Virtual Coin Toss Online

So, you have been trying to do a coin toss, but unfortunately, do not have a coin? Worry not! There are many coin flip websitesspecifically for this purpose. These websites provide virtual coin tossthat lets you simulate a real coin flip. So, just head over to these websites and do a quick coin flip online. These websites do not require any registration, so you would be in and out in a jiffy. And many of these websites let you flip multiple coins together; in case you are trying best 2 out of 3 type outcome.
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Ken White’s Coin Flipping Page

Let’s start with a website that does only that: coin flip. When you go to this website, it immediately does a coin flip for you and shows you Heads or Tails. If you want to do a virtual coin flip again, just click on “Flip Again?” option given at the bottom and it will immediately show you the result. That’s all this website does. So, for the quickest coin flip, I’d bookmark this website.
Next on this list is again another website that does just coin toss. You go to the website, click on “Flip” and it will do a quick coin toss and will show Heads or Tails. Additional option that it has is that it also play coin toss sound in the background, to make the entire online coin toss experience more realistic. Coin Flipper is a popular website for these type of things that I covered earlier too. It actually has more features than both the websites mentioned above. Apart from doing a simple coin toss, you can choose how many coins you want to toss together. In addition to that, you can also choose the coin that you want to use for your online coin toss. It has a huge list of coins available, ranging from currency coins of different currencies, right up to novelty coins.
Ken White coin flipping page
Here is another online coin toss website that lets you choose number of coins you want to flip. In addition, it lets you choose if you would like to do coin flip with a Penny or Dime. Once you have provided your choices, click on “Click Here to Start Flipping” button. It will show results of all the coin tosses together on next page. Coin Flip
Last in our list is Faç that provides virtual coin toss. It lets you specify decisions associated with Heads and Tails. In addition, it lets you choose coin from all the popular currencies in the world. When you flip the coin, it shows the result of coin flip, as well as the decision that you had associated with that outcome.
All these websites provide a simple way to do a coin flip online, without searching your wallet for this teeny weeny entity that become an extinct species anytime ;) If you have another of your favorite website that you use for virtual coin toss, let me know in comments below.

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